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Transforming Academic Challenges into Success: Bush To Bridge Tutoring

The tailored tutoring approach turns students' academic struggles into success!

tutor with smiling child
Bush To Bridge Tutoring

The birth of Bush To Bridge Tutoring

As Serena Chedid, founder of Bush To Bridge Tutoring, reflects on her schooling years it’s with mixed emotions. Throughout her years at both primary and high school, she faced significant struggles with academic concepts and found it challenging overall to keep up. After many tried, tested and failed approaches, Serena finally found a tutor who was pivotal in helping her excel in her exams, which ultimately improved her overall well-being! The far-reaching impacts of reducing academic pressures on a student can be immense. 

After graduating from Abbotsleigh in 2020, Serena began her own journey as a tutor, gaining extensive experience through work at both tutoring companies and as a private tutor. This experience helped Serena understand and see first-hand what truly works when tutoring students. Fuelled by these critical observations, Bush To Bridge Tutoring was founded in February 2023.

The Bush To Bridge difference

From her time as a tutor, Serena’s biggest observation was that many tutoring services rely on a one-size-fits-all approach that often falls short in addressing the individual needs of each student. Standardised programs and group classes can be rigid, overlooking unique learning styles and personal academic goals, ultimately hindering a student’s ability to fully benefit from tutoring. A lot of services also lack the flexibility to adapt to evolving schedules or additional educational requirements.

At Bush To Bridge, these issues are tackled head-on by offering customised tutoring plans tailored to each student's specific challenges and strengths. This personalised approach

ensures students not only improve academically but grow in confidence and develop a

deeper passion for learning. By providing a more effective alternative to conventional tutoring methods, Bush To Bridge ensures each student receives the attention and support they need to thrive.

To ensure students are getting the highest quality support available, Bush to Bridge tutors have to meet a strict series of requirements. All tutors are on the HSC Honour Roll or hold equivalent qualifications. During the interview process, tutors must demonstrate their teaching abilities by instructing the interviewers on various topics. This rigorous process ensures that tutors possess the right teaching styles, level of engagement, and subject mastery necessary to provide exceptional support to students.

Could a personalised tutoring plan help you?

Tutoring is not just for students who are struggling. It is a powerful tool for any student eager to deepen their understanding, sharpen their skills, or surpass the standard curriculum. Whether a child is looking to master complex concepts or explore subjects not fully covered in school, personalised tutoring can be a game-changer. By tailoring the learning experience to fit each child's unique needs and aspirations, tutoring can unlock potential and foster an enduring passion for learning. Every student stands to gain from the focused and customised support that quality tutoring provides.

For local parents considering tutoring options, starting with Bush To Bridge Tutoring is straightforward. You can submit an enquiry on the website, send an email or make a phone call. The team at Bush To Bridge will take over from there, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process. This user-friendly approach reflects the company’s commitment to accessibility and convenience for families seeking quality educational support.

Bush To Bridge Tutoring prides itself on being an extremely flexible and tailored tutoring company. Unlike many other tutoring services, there are no lock-in contracts or upfront term payments. Parents can also always request a change of tutors if they feel the current match is not the right fit. Additionally, Bush To Bridge boasts a huge bank of resources and is able to create new ones on demand, tailored to each student’s needs.

Bush To Bridge Tutoring

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